Taiwan on Alert: The Substantial Threat of PLA's Fujian Aircraft Carrier

The Fujian aircraft carrier poses a significant threat to Taiwan, equipped with advanced technology and an electromagnetic aircraft launch system.

It is the first PLA carrier capable of far-sea operations, signaling China's growing naval capabilities.

Unlike the Liaoning and Shandong carriers, the Fujian utilizes electromagnetic catapults, offering more efficient aircraft take-offs.

Taiwan's defense ministry warns of the potential danger this "supercarrier" poses to its naval defense.

The Fujian is named after the Chinese mainland province closest to Taiwan, symbolizing its strategic significance.

Military enthusiasts have spotted the Fujian undergoing preparations for its first sea trials, indicating its readiness for future operations.

The warship is expected to be officially handed over to the PLA in 2025, enhancing China's maritime power.

Beijing views Taiwan as its territory and has increased military pressure since Tsai Ing-wen's presidency began in 2016.

Taiwan's refusal to accept the 1992 consensus on the "one-China principle" has strained cross-strait relations.